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FDAC Board Director Opportunities

The Fernie & District Arts Council is seeking new Directors for the next two-year term starting September 2024 until 2026.

Nominations will be presented for election at the AGM on September 12th, 2024.

Fill out the form below or submit in writing to the attention of the Governance Committee by August 21st.
All nominated potential Board members must be members in good standing and sign the provided consent form prior to nomination.


FDAC are looking to best serve the community and in order to do so we are looking for diverse and varying Board directors that reflect who the organisation represents. Those interested should be dedicated to providing their expertise to moving our mandate forward and providing opportunities to the entire community.

To find out more about becoming a Board Director & organisation click below:

Desired Skillset for 2024-26
  • Underrepresented individuals or groups as we recognize that the board has many missing demographics.
  • Human Resource or financial experience.
  • All of the Directors in the coming term will be implementing the current strategic plan.
  • Willingness to learn how to be an effective member of a Governance Board under the new BC Societies Act.
  • These are desired skillsets but not required for interested applicants. If you believe you have something to offer, do not hesitate to apply.
  • Information provided below will be included in a nomination package, as written, for FDAC members to read ahead of the meeting sent out on August 21st. Personal contact information will not be shared.

    Please identify what skills and experiences you would bring to the role?
    For example: Equity & Safety, Fair payment of artists & cultural workers, Diverse programming, Modern & good governance, Community engagement or Other
    I declare that I meet the requirements as established by Section 4 of the Bylaws for election eligibility including: By signing and submitting this form I hereby: • consent to the nomination for election, • have provided nomination in writing to the Governance committee as outlined by FDAC Board at least 2 weeks before. •I will abide by the BC Societies Act, its regulations and the bylaws of the FDAC and I will faithfully discharge the duties of the position, according to the best of my ability. •I will act in accordance with the law and the public trust placed in me. •I will act to serve and protect the public and the public interest. •I will carry out the duties and objects of FDAC and ensure that I am guided by the public interest in the performance of my duties. •I will act honestly and with integrity and I will declare any private interests, memberships and affiliations relating to my duties as a board member and take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest. •I will safeguard confidential information, not divulging it unless I am either authorized or required to do so by law. • Agree to participate in, if elected, orientation processes as a member.

    If you have any questions please email